Giulia D’Andrea graduated in Piano with M° Anselmi and in Composition with M° Zanettovich. After an intensive period of chamber as well as solo activities, where she participated in various, both national and international, piano contests, she started to study orchestral conducting in Florence with Bellugi and in Venice. Since 1996 she has worked in the field of art and music organization, still collaborating with establishments and orchestras such as the Regional Performing Foundation in Friuli Venezia Giulia, the Venice Biennale (she supervised for the Biennale itself the promotion of the 48th International Contemporary Music Festival), the Friuli Symphonic Orchestra, the Udine Philarmonia Orchestra (as Stage Master) and the Venice Theatre Biennale. She presents works for world premieres, arrangements and orchestrations (Ventaglio d’Arpe, Ecoensemble, Alter Quartet, Ensemble Variabile, Stravinskij Ensemble, Mitteleuropa Orchestra….). She has published her musical fairy-tale “Un fantastico Marchese” (A fantastic marquis) with the Mots & Sons. She is chairwoman of the music research Association “La scuola che non c’è” (Neverschool) in Udine. She made her debut at the Piccolo Arsenale –Biennale di Venezia Theatre on Oct. 10th,2003 with the premiere Antinesca (as wordbook author and music composer) a serio-comic opera for 3 lyrical voices and chamber orchestra. She studied analysis and orchestral conduction with M° Gorli in Milan. She is founder and conductor of the Stravinskij Ensamble.

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In 1996 she graduated with honours at the Udine Conservatory of Music with Prof. C.S. Anselmi and, in 2003, in composition with M° D. Zanettovich. She took part in various national as well as international piano events such as the 13th National Piano Contest Genoa (1st prize) and the 4th International Piano Contest Alassio (3rd prize). In 1996 she was musical assistant in the sacred drama “Ode a Bertrando” by R.S. Gurisatti and M.M. Tosolini for actors, soloists, eight choirs and orchestra, recorded by the Italian RAI on CD. She has carried out an intensive chamber and solo activities, also for radio stations. In 1998 she composed the “Elegia Prima”, a ballet for harp and bassoon, which, in the build up to the 50th anniversary of the “Piccolo Teatro Città di Udine”, was performed at the Teatro Nuovo Giovanni da Udine. Her work “Uomo del mio tempo” was chosen in 2002 at the 1st Musical Composition Contest in Cesena. In the same year she attended in Florence a course on orchestra conduction held by M° Bellugi and another with M° Proietti at the Venice Conservatory of Music, as well as one in choral music and conduction with M° Piani at the Udine Conservatory of Music, followed by analysis and contemporary music conduction with M° Gorli in Milan. At the same time she presented works for world premieres, arrangements and orchestrations (Ventaglio d’Arpe, Ecoensemble, Alter Quartet, Ensemble Variabile, Stravinskij Ensemble, Orchestra Filarmonia, Orchestra del FVG …). In 2004, through the publishers Mots & Sons she presented her first musical fairy-tale “A fantastic marquis”. Three more musical fairy-tale events, for educational purposes, are now forthcoming: Alì e I 40 babà; Una storia d’acqua ovvero il pesce Otto; I tre Re Magici, (Ali and the 40 Babas, A Water Story or The Fish Otto and The Three Magical Kings) as well as a serio-comic work for three solo voices and chamber orchestra. She is chairwoman of the music research association “La scuola che non c’è” (Neverschool) based in Udine. In 2002 she collaborated with the Regional Performing Foundation in FVG and for six years, as musical and organization consultant, with the Music Biennale in Venice. In 2004, for the Biennale itself, she supervised the promotion of the 48th International Contemporary Music Festival and, in 2007, for the 39th International Theatre Festival “Goldoni e Il Teatro Nuovo” directed by Maurizio Scaparro, she worked within the “Campus” project. She made her debut at the Piccolo Arsenale –Biennale di Venezia Theatre on the 10th Oct. 2003 with the premiere Antinesca, a serio-comic opera for 3 lyrical voices and chamber orchestra, as music composer and wordbook author. In 2004, within the Great Interpreters Season of the Luigi Bon Theatre in Udine, the opera was re-run twice. She has cooperated with the Symphonic Orchestra of FVG as organizing and artistic coordinator (also conducting the orchestra for a school project) and she has been cooperating for years, as stage manager and production assistant, with the Philarmonia Orchestra in Udine. She is founder and manager of the Stravinskij Ensemble, and also took part in the main musical reviews of the Veneto. In 2010 she repeated her project Musica fra le Nuvole at Cuenca, Ecuador.
For over twenty years she has been devoted to piano and music teaching, creating a personal methodology, an emulsion between theoretical and practical discipline, and performance.
She deals with the management and organization of several musical theatre presentations on stage and music without curtains (grand opera, concert events, scenic literature, teaching projects for the young, sonorous and animated voices, path studies for schools….).


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